News and Resources Roundup: Interpreting KY's new school report card, standards-based grading, more
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Upcoming Noyce Scholar presentations on classroom management, differentiation

Each year the Robert Noyce-SYyTeach Scholar Seminar series offers WKU faculty, students, staff, and community members the opportunity to learn from the university's top scholars in educational practice.  Upcoming sessions of special interest to education leaders include seminars on classroom management and differentiation in secondary math and science classrooms.

On Tuesday, October 16, Dr. Rebecca Stobaugh of the WKU School of Teacher Education will present on "Classroom Management Strategies that Foster High Student Achievement," and Tuesday, November 13, Dr. Julia Roberts of the WKU Center for Gifted Studies will present "Strategies for Differentiation of Instruction in Secondary Math and Science Classrooms." 

Both sessions will be held in Snell Hall Room 2113 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central time.

These seminars offer a meaningful opportunity to engage in learning and discussion of timely and relevant topics for practicing educators.  I encourage your attendance and active participation.


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