Schools needed to pilot teacher perception survey
If you are an administrator or teacher leader of a Kentucky school, I'd like to ask you to please consider volunteering your school to participate in an exciting pilot research study being developed by my WKU colleagues, Dr. Steve Miller, Dr. Kyong Chon, and me. We are creating a survey designed to measure how deeply and effectively teachers believe their school is implementing the Standards and Indicators for School Improvement (SISI).
The Standards and Indicators are a research-proven framework for measuring a school's improvement efforts. If we are able to validate our new survey, tentatively called the Standards and Indicators Scholastic Review (SISR), schools will get reliable data on their progress that mirrors what has normally required a five-day audit from an external review team. The SISR will be superior to other teacher perception instruments like the TELLKentucky or AdvancEd stakeholder surveys because it is built on a strong base of research.
We eventually hope to use the SISR with hundreds of schools across the state, but first we need to pilot the draft instrument with a handful of schools to make sure our design works. Please consider volunteering your school for the pilot administration of the survey.
A member of our research team will visit pilot schools during a regularly scheduled faculty meeting (or a special meeting, if appropriate) to explain the survey. Then we will ask teachers to go directly to a school computer lab to take the survey, which will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. This is obviously a lengthy survey, but each participating school will receive a complete profile of anonymous teacher perception data relative to the nine Standards and Indicators for School Improvement - a potential wealth of valuable information. Plus, your school will be contributing to
ground-breaking research that might eventually help distinguish how teacher perceptions differ between high-performing and low-performing schools, assisting leaders in better predicting future trends and engaging in meaningful long-range improvement planning.
We hope to conduct this pilot survey before the end of the current school year, so time is of the essence. If you are interested in having your school participate in the SISR pilot, please email me as soon as possible at [email protected] so we can coordinate a time for administration. Even if you cannot participate in the pilot at this time, let me know if you'd like to be included during the full validation study, which we'll be conducting this fall.
I'll blog regularly about the progress of this study.